Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sehr Schön Schönbrunn (very beautiful Schönbrunn)

Today, with our grandparents (the Whitakers), we went to Schönbrunn, pronounced shoen-broon! Anyway, it is a big palace! Schönbrunn means beautiful fountain or beautiful well. There is a big fountain outside with great statues!
Maria Theresa lived in Schönbrunn. If you don't know who Maria Theresa is, you might know her daughter better. She had sixteen children, eleven daughters, one of whom was Marie Antoinette, who had her head chopped off be a guillotine during the French revolution.
 So we went inside, and it was cool. There was lots of really interesting stuff, but they didn't set it up very well. There were things like beds, couches, portraits, and we got free audio guides. My favorite parts were the outside gardens and stuff though. They had three labyrinths! A couple were small, and you could see over the top, and if you kept walking in one direction you would reach the exit, but the first one we went into was awesome! The bushes were high up so you had no clue where to go, and there were lots of different ways to choose! We reached lots of dead ends, but finally made it to the lookout perch that was at the end!!!
The last time we went to Schönbrunn it was raining, and cold, so we didn't go inside, or do much. This time we spent a long time there, and it was really fun!!!



  1. Its great to revisit the places and add to the memories. I bet your grandmother made the place seem extra elegant and I can just hear hour grandad commenting on the surroundings. I would probably still be wandering lost in the labyrinth!

  2. That sounded like great fun! I would probably still be in the labyrinth too!. Have fun with your Grandparents. Hope it stays sunny and warm for the rest of your trip
