Monday, April 22, 2013

Buda or Pest?

Pest. We were on the pest side of Budapest. Budapest used to be split into 2 halves, the city Buda, and the city Pest. Now they have joined together, but if we had come a long time ago, we would be on the Pest side.
We just returned from Budapest. It was a trip with all the students! We went a day early though. Budapest was really nice, our hotel was great, our beds were terrible, it was sunny and warm, and over all, really fun! But all the architecture was Neo, meaning new, so it wasn’t really old, it was just a copy of what things would look like. For instance, Neo Gothic, would look like a Gothic style building, but would really be built recently. There is a lot to say, but it will probably be covered in my mom’s blog “Interwhits” or my brother’s blog “G Whit Witty.” What I am going to blog about was the first night, the night some of you know about from my mom’s face book page….

The dreaded Doop night:

So we are in the taxi, just gotten of our train, and heading to our hotel. I pull Doop out of my bag, and Gabe wants to hold him. Recently, I had found a piece of sea glass, Doop sized, so I put it in him as a heart! Gabe wanted to feel the heart, once he did; I placed Doop in the cup holder in the taxi.

We are in the hotel, I open my bag…… Doop is not there. My dad goes and looks through the hotel, he’s not there. We come to the conclusion that Doop is in the taxi. I’m upset, and we go out to dinner. Okay food, still upset. Driving back to the hotel, still upset. At the hotel, still upset, my dad gets a taxi guy to take him down to the train station. My dad gets there and sees the taxi we were in pulling away! He goes up to a line of taxi people and tries to ask them if they could get the guy to come back. Soon an English speaker comes, and says that the guy who drove us would be back soon.

My dad walks in the door with Doop in his pocket!!!


The Best of the Rest of Buda and Pest!

St. Stevens’s church: Doc. O. is there giving us a tour! It is a big church, really pretty! We see a choir singing, and then we go to see the mummified hand of St.Steven! It was cool, and weird!

The hot pools: we went to hot pools! My mom and dad stayed in the sauna, while Annie, john, and Olivia took us around! There were lots of different pools; it was fun to jump in the really hot one, then jumping into the freezing cold one! The most fun was the whirl pool! It was a spinning circle, with jets that pushed you around, SUPER FAST! I’ve been in lots of pools that spin, but none were close to how fast this was! Plus, the water was warm!!!

Dinner with Doc.O and herb: We took Doctor O. and herb (our art history, and history teachers) out to dinner! It was really good food, and fun to be around them!!!


  1. Maya, I'm quite intrigued by the heart you put in Doop. What color is the sea glass? What shape? Surely you've come across other interesting objects--why did sea glass suggest itself to you as a heart?

    Also, my favorite word in the post was "upset." It's so mild-seeming and understated, but it gains power through repetition. Without saying "I was freaking out" you make it pretty clear how, ahem, "upset" you were.

  2. Well all I can say now is What a wonderful Dad you have.

  3. I agree with PJ. The heroism and persistance of our Super Jarrod stood out in this posting. And the story of the pools. Last month Davis, Palmer, Isobel, Luke and I went to the Russian baths in Brooklyn and jumping into the hot pool and then going into the sauna and beating ourselves with wet tree limbs and then then jumping into the cold pool relaxed my body so much I didn't think I'd be able to stay awake to dry off, put my clothes on and go home to sleep the best sleep of my life!
