Tuesday, April 2, 2013

when in Rome... take pictures!!!

The plane ride there 
 us on a famous staircase in the vatican!
 a madonna and child by matisse
 a map from the vatican museum
 a baroque hallway in the vatican
 another map
 the grand pinecone that was in a sqaure outside the vatican museums
 the rattle of Bast, the egyptian cat goddess
 me with the egyptian lion goddess, Sehkmet
 Anubis, the egyptian god of the underworld
 the square the pinecone is in
 an overlifesized statue of Hera
 Another overlifesized statue of Hera, but in her roman form
 Gabe with the guard dog.... this might not end well...
 One of the statues I drew. Do you see Doop???
 Gabe with a giant toe!!!
 Me sketching
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