Thursday, April 4, 2013

ich habe in venedig KRANK

Well after Rome we went to Venice! If you don't know German you probably do not know what the title says. In English it translates to “I had in Venice sickness”, as in, “I was sick I Venice.” The first day I was fine and this is what we did: 
My mom had planned a surprise for us and it turned out to be a venetian-style rowing lesson! A woman taught us how to row the boat!!! One of us would row and the other three would sit and enjoy the view! It was really fun. We all got to row on the Grand Canal and in lots of little canals! We walked back home which was a 40 minute walk and I started not feeling well. When we got home my mom took my temperature and I was at 102 degrees Fahrenheit! Most of Venice was kind of a blur to me; I barely got any sleep most nights and had to stay in bed all day, so this might be a short blog. Here is the Venice I remember:

Our house; Next to the Peggy Guggenheim museum, on the edge of the Grand Canal, looking out at Venice. I get out of bed and see the water of the big canal. My mom is home with me and my dad and brother are exploring Venice. She enters my room and suggests we go to the Guggenheim museum. We do. 

The art there was really great! There was a room of Jackson Pollock, and lots of Max Ernst. Did you know Peggy Guggenheim was married to Max Ernst? I got to do some sketching of the statues outside (pictures will be posted) and I really enjoyed all of it! Then I went back to bed, my energy had been spent. 

In bed. Gabe is home. A new day. Last night’s sleep (if you could call it that) was bad. Very bad. Tired and sick, reading my book. Drawing. Sleeping. Staring out the window. Its Thursday. My mom walks in: “kids I just went on a great walk!” then my dad comes: “Well let’s all go on a family walk!” My mom: “One of us needs to stay with Maya. I will and you and Gabe can go.” Me: “No, I want to come. I’m feeling better!” “Well, what are we waiting for? Los gehts/ let’s go!” 

We all walked down to the Zaterre and sat on a big porch, overlooking the water. We were going to stay for sunset, but we would have to wait an hour. We decided to get gelato, and I am continuing my gelato count from Rome. We last left off with one good two bad. This gelato adds one to the not so good category:

GOOD GELATO: ONE                         NOT SO GOOD GELATO: THREE

So we sat out and gazed at the water and the island across, with some sun on our face, but still a chill in the air.

Terrible sleep, gross medicine. Friday. Feeling… Better! A lot better! 
So we head out on a walk! Walked far and ate a place recommended by a friend who said that it was the best pizza he had ever had. If you are reading this Dean Franco, that was some good pizza!!! Then we saw a place that had a Leonardo da Vinci exhibit. They had created models of some of his great ideas. There were some cool things! A lot of the things were still used today, like how you measure wind speed on an airplane, or how the pilot knows if the plane is off balance! When walking home we got more gelato! I got chocolate and tirimasu,but this tirimasu was like no other! It was whipped, like eating a cold flavored, thick whipped cream! I loved it!!!

GOOD GELATO:  TWO                             NOT SO GOOD GELATO: THREE

That night was the best part of Venice for all of us! We were going to meet up with Davis, a friend’s son who is about my mom’s age! Davis brought his friend josh. It was a coincidence that we were all in Venice at the same time! So we all went out to dinner together. I ordered clam pasta (it was really good), Gabe got gnocchi (it was tasty), Davis got squid ink pasta (it was interesting), my dad got breaded and fried seafood (yum), and Josh and my mom got the highlight of it all! A 30 dollar sea food bowl! It came out and it was huge!!! We all had to help them eat it! It took a while, but we had eaten most of our meals and we were all enjoying ourselves, when the waitress asks: “would you like your pasta now?” we thought she was joking, but she brought out a bowl of pasta that came with their meal! She dropped it in the sauce that was left over, and we all stuffed ourselves even more! When we were all so full, she asked, “Are you ready for dessert?” sure enough, she brought out a platter of cookies that came with their meal! She also brought out a dessert wine for them! Then we all ordered our own desserts. I got one of the greatest tiramisu cakes I’ve ever had! Gabe a got a panna cotta with a wonderful dark chocolate sauce! Josh got persimmon gelato:


 My dad ordered a chocolate cake that had an amazing pistachio cream filling, and my mom split a cheese cake with Davis!!! We were all satisfied and stuffed!


  1. I am so happy to hear from you and this all sounded wonderful! I was sorry to hear you were sick the first part of your visit. Glad you were able to eat all that wonderful food. Sounds like walking is idea after tasting all of that haha

  2. I am sorry you were sick, but it sounds like you were able to do a lot anyway, my intrepid adventurer. i am thinking that you have a lot of trips coming up. Keep us posted on your travels and gelato tasting. We miss you. xxxoox
