Friday, February 8, 2013

Once Upon a Doop

          Some people are asking for more about Doop so I decided to make another blog about him! Doop was sewn under the light of a blue moon and when he was finished the big shining ball in the sky was the first sight he saw. Doop's birthday doesn't come very often, his next birthday will be in June of 2015 instead of August this year.  But Doop has a story to tell of his own:
          It all started after some friends and I went to a yoga festival.  It was the first time Doop had traveled and he had a great time doing yoga.  It was an adventure, but no-one expected his adventure to last as long as it did.  When we arrived home I couldn't find Doop and I was scared that I left him behind.  Doop was not still at the yoga festival, but he was in the RV that we took.  Doop was asleep when we were unloading the RV so he didn't realize that we were home.  I searched everywhere for Doop in the big RV but it turns out he was in one of the cups in a cupboard.  When he woke up he jumped out of the cup and pushed open the cupboard door, ending up fallen on the floor. He got up and looked out a window.  He was trapped.  Then he saw his master running towards him.  She was yelling to her parents, "I've looked everywhere! Just let me look in here one more time!"  Doop was not fluent in English back then so he thought she (who was me) had seen him and was letting him out.  As she opened the door, he rushed out and started running when he saw it--the big furry monster who he later learned was named Amir.  The monster made a loud scratchy noise and Doop ran for his life!  He ran down a long gray road and into a forest of wooden planks, which I later told him was a fence.  He turned around and crept through a row of bushes.  Then he got stuck in a maze of silvery ropes that was connected to the green leaves.  He squirmed all around but he couldn't get out!  A black thing then appeared and slowly crept forward to Doop.  Doop pushed away as hard as he could but the silver twine was sticky!  The black thing with eight eyes to match its eight legs, was now crawling onto Doop's arm, when he saw the fluffy angel, Magnolia.  She heard him screaming and came to his rescue.  Her claws were unsheathed, and the black cat pulled Doop free and stepped on the black spider.  When Doop told me his part of the story, I was surprised to know that Maggy could understand Doop's scream since back then he only spoke Doopese the language of Doop.  After Maggy had rescued Doop, she ran off and Doop didn't even get to say, "thank-you."  I'm surprised Maggy didn't mistake Doop as a toy and rip him up.  Doop continued his journey, far away from the bushes, but he was cold.  He found an opening in the fence and ran through it, and saw a chipmunk who soon became his best friend.  Chipster the chipmunk invited Doop to come into his hole, where they had a feast on acorns.  Chipster warned him about the cats that lived nearby but Doop would never forget the favor Maggy had done for him. Around three months later (on Christmas eve) Doop and Chipster were out gathering the last of the nuts that they might be able to find in he cold weather, when Amir darted over and hid in the grass, stalking the Chipmunk and the mysterious blue thing.  He pounced, meaning to hit the chipmunk but landing on the blue thing.  As amir carried Doop, Chipster followed to see what would become of his friend.  Amir dropped him on the front door step. He wanted his owners to see he new creature he had caught.  Doop was laying on his side, hurt by the fangs of Amir,  when he saw the angel cat again!  She was fond of the cute blue creature, and fought away Amir then brought Doop in the cat door.  Doop thought he recognized the place, and realized this was his home, where his master lived!  Doop ran as fast as his little legs could take him (which was surprisingly fast because he had learned to keep up with Chipster) to his master's room.  He recognized the place and then saw that there, on her desk, was the white machine he was sewn on.  He didn't see her though.  For the next week he slept at Chipster's hole that he had made outside Doop's master's house and sometimes explored the place his master lived. One day he heard his master talking about a trip, and remembered that it was his job to travel with her, so he crept into the top pouch of her backpack.  He said, "Goodbye!" to his friend and told the sad chipmunk to zip up the pocket he was in. The next day she found him there, as she was packing her stuff.  She introduced him to Doopett, a little blue Doopian with a heart drawn on her.  She was made to be Doop's friend, and in the few days they had they became very good friends.  Then Doop left and his master brought him out on the plane and asked him"Where have you been Doop?  What trouble did you get yourself into?" And he responded with this story.


  1. Maggie has told me her side of this story. I will email it to you.

  2. Yes I really enjoyed this story very much also
