Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here are some photo's from my Prague blague!

Here is Prague!
this is the big tower that the sleeping beauty tower is based off of.
this was in the cellar of a church!
these are "flying buttresses" that support buildings.
this was in my favorite cathedral, St.Vitus!
these are the organs in St.Vitus
This was a statue that was in the middle of the main square.
this is a day time view of the sleeping beauty castle
this was the big square!
this was one of the churches that I think was called St.Mary of the snow.
this is Sarah, Gabe, and I sitting on the giant chair outside the marionette store!
this is the marionette store!
this is the Jewish cemetery.
the picture of me and Sarah at the Lennon wall! it was a;l great until two seconds later we were wiping purple paint off of our coats with snow!
the back of a giant baby! PS can you find doop?
doop on the giant baby foot!
giant baby has messed up face!!!
outside the Kafka museum are these two peeing statues!
group picture!!!
outside Franz Kafka's writing place!
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  1. These are great pics Maya. Are you using your Samsung? If so it takes great pics. Can't wait to hear your descriptions about these pics when you have time.

    1. Sorry it took so long to make descriptions, but here they are! a lot of the pictures are from my tablet and some are from my moms camera! thanks again for the tablets!

  2. thanks for the pic of the Jewish Cemetery. I have heard about it for so long! I love the weird heavy metal statues though they are a little ominous. They look less threatening with Doop on them. I have a Kafka fact you might like. You sent the picture of Max Brod's house. He was Kafka's friend and Kafka made him promise to burn all of his writing when he died because Kafka thought it was awful. Max, though he was a good friend, didn't burn it because he thought it was great. Luckily we have Kafka's writing because of Max's decision. It is a friend dilema though! I love you.

    1. Wow! That is a really interesting fact! I wonder what Kafka would think about that! And speaking of writing... I've been looking for contests and sadly i haven't found any good ones yet, but I'll keep looking!


  3. you are a great craftsperson of photograhs (something your mom has long longed to be)You do her and all of us proud!
