Monday, March 11, 2013

Rockin’ the rocks!!!

          Today, well actually 2 days ago, but we’ll just call it today; Annie had the great idea to go rock climbing. I think you know Annie, a student who is in many other blogs, and you might know that Annie is really fun and awesome. What you might not know about Annie is that she likes to rock climb! So she found a gym that had a nice rock climbing wall, and took us along! When we arrived we weren’t sure where to go first! The place was huge! We decided to start bouldering. The walls weren’t easy, but really fun! We fell on the soft mats below us many times! Then we decided to get our harnesses on. We had 2 in all, one for the climber and one for the person who was belaying them. Annie was the first to belay so she could show my dad how to. I was the lucky one who got to be the first climber!!! The wall I did first was very easy, so I zoomed up, reached the top and came down! Then I did the wall next to it, which was only slightly harder, and zoomed up, reached the top and came down. So then my dad decided to try belaying Gabe. He zoomed up the 2 that I did, and then did an extra one that was harder. While he climbed, I was bouldering. Then Annie decided to take a turn climbing! She went to the upstairs part of it, and climbed 3 really hard walls! Yet she still zoomed up each one pretty fast!!! Then it was my turn again and I did the wall that Gabe did on his last turn. I went over and did a wall about the same level of hardness I had just done, and then took on a challenge.  There were walls that went up to where the second level started, there were walls from the second level to the ceiling, and then there were walls that went from the floor up to the ceiling. I did a floor to ceiling one! I only was able to make it up to a part that had a big red slant, if I had kept going I would’ve been climbing upside-down, which would’ve been hard for me. So both Gabe and I made a goal to touch the red slant that was about 7 or 8 feet above the second floor! We did! Later on Gabe and I attempted to do the courses that had a mechanical rope that automatically belayed you! They were hard, and we couldn’t get all the way up.
I REALLY enjoyed rock climbing and we decided to take a lot of students back, on either St.Patricks day/the 17th of March or my dad’s birthday/the 15th of March! I can’t wait!


  1. Maya! You make rock climbing sound like fun, even to me!

  2. Well I envy you being strong and brave.
    I could not do that at all.
    Sounded like a lot of fun though.
    I am so afraid of heights. I get really dizzy in high places,but usually if I only look down.
