Friday, March 8, 2013

My Ideal Sunny Day

I woke up this morning not feeling so great, but by the end of the day I felt wonderful!
My ideal sunny day would involve good food, warmth, art, animals, books, relaxing, and movies. Today would definitely be an ideal day for me!

This morning:
I got up and ate breakfast, then went back to bed and read my book for an hour while my mom and brother were in German class. I wasn’t feeling good so I didn’t go.

Thai after their German:
We decided to go out for lunch, so we all got ready and went to a Thai place my mom read great reviews about. It was also a Thai food store, and the restaurant was really small, hidden in the back with about four tables that could fit 2 people each. So my mom and dad sat at one while Gabe and sat at another. We actually ended up getting really delicious food! Both my dad and I got Tom Kah, a lemon-grassy soup, with chicken in it! It was awesomely tasty!

The unusual weather:
 It was so hot outside! The sun was so bright and it was over 60 degrees!
(Which isn’t that hot but when you’ve been in Vienna at winter then 60 degrees is burning?)

The Butterfly House of Senselessness:
After lunch we wanted to go to a butterfly house we heard about, so we headed over to it.  On the way there we saw people planting flowers! A woman would throw (literally) the plants at a guy and he would catch them and plant them! When we arrived we all felt like stopping at the restaurant that was outside the butterfly house.  I got a cranberry kombucha and the rest of my family got cappuccinos and lattes. My brother and I still wanted to see the butterfly place so my parents stayed outside and watched us while we roamed with the butterflies. As I said earlier, it was really hot outside, but being in the humid butterfly house was almost unbearable! It was a really cool place though; there was a bridge and a waterfall with tons of plants everywhere, two statues, and tons of beautiful butterflies! A lot were hiding in the forest and some were eating the apples and bananas that were set out on plates. But my favorite was a butterfly we met in the stairwell. We were walking down the steps, coming down from the bridge, when we saw him. The butterfly was flying halfway up the stairs, then half way down. We stayed on the stairs while this butterfly was just flying back and forth through the stairwell. After a couple minutes he finally decided to go down. We called him senseless. I followed senseless through the whole butterfly house. He was black, with a stripe of metallic light blue that spread into a dark blue down the middle of each wing. When he folded his wings there were brown spots on the bottom. Whenever we lost him, we would find him in another stairwell. Gabe thinks that I called every blue butterfly in the whole pace Senseless but I think it was only one blue butterfly that would hide in the tunnels, acting like he had no sense. Then one time we saw him on the floor of the stairs, and Gabe put his finger on the stone, and let him crawl onto his hand. When we reached the end of the stairs, he started to fly off, so I held out my finger, and he landed on mine. Soon we had to leave because we were sweating, and burning up, but I will never forget Senseless, the very senseless butterfly. When we got out, the hot sun felt cold compared to inside the butterfly house of senselessness.  When we looked around, we noticed that all of the flower beds were finished being planted and the planters were nowhere to be seen.
Doctor O and the Kunst Historisches (art history) Museum: 
We were very near the art museum, where we had to meet our art history teacher for class, whose name is Doctor O, or as the students call her Doc O. We all assumed we were supposed to meet her outside, so we waited on the stairs outside, lying in the sun. Soon all the students had arrived and Doc O was still not here. We waited for fifteen minutes, when we heard a student shout,” DOC O’S INSIDE!!!!!” We all got up and ran inside, apologizing to her! She was waiting for us as long as we were waiting for her. Oooops! Once we started our tour, we all forgot about the earlier mishap. Doctor O has sooooo much interesting knowledge! She is a really amazing person. I would’ve never known any of the stuff told us. She talked about paintings, that without her I would’ve never stopped to look at before, and now they are some of my favorites in the museum! I’m very glad to have Doctor O as our art history teacher!
A couple of years ago in San Francisco we went to an art museum and the exhibit was imported from the Kunst Historiches Museum in Vienna! The section of the museum that we were in yesterday had a lot of things that we had seen in San Francisco, and we kept pointing them out to each other. I had a really fun time learning all the interesting facts Doc O wanted to share with us!

 A walk after the art museum:
 We decided to take a long walk back to our bus stop, and book reservations for a restaurant called Pizzeria Mar. We arrived at our stop, but decided not to get n the first bus that came. We were sitting outside the Burg Theatre, a place where Klimt did some paintings, and we were watching the ice skaters skate with two people in bear costumes. It was really peaceful just sitting out there on the first hot and sunny day. Two or three busses past and we finally hopped on and rode to…………………..

Pizzeria Mar:
I don’t know if I already blogged about this amazing restaurant or not, but it’s so delicious I could blog about it 10 times!!! Mar is a restaurant that Gabe and I have been to three times, and my parents went to twice (long story short: a student took us there for valentine’s dinner).  They have the best tiramisu cake that I’ve ever had. So after we ate a fabulous dinner (pizza for Gabe, risotto for dad, fish for mom, and gorgonzola gnocchi for me) we order a tiramisu and chocolate mousse. We had never tried anything other than the tiramisu, and we were glad that we decided to try the mousse! Once we had scraped the plates clean, we did the only reasonable thing to do at a restaurant like Mar. We ordered another tiramisu!

The Quest for the Holy Grail:
When we got home we did another thing that was very reasonable at the time! We watched a movie! And not just any movie, but an epic movie! Monty Python and the Holy Grail!!!

Today was one of the best days I’ve had in Vienna, and I know there will be more coming!!! It met my every expectation for an ideal sunny day!

·         I had good food (at Mar and at the Thai place)
·         I was definitely warm (all throughout the day)
·         I got to see art (with Doc O at the art museum)
·         I saw animals (butterflies!!!)
·         I read my book (while mom and Gabe were in German class)
·         I relaxed (on the steps of the kunst historisches, outside the Burg Theatre, when I was reading, while watching the movie)
·         And I watched a movie! (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


  1. Let me tell you what an ideal blog is like for me:):):):) a blog of someones ideal day:):):)

  2. Sounds like a very busy ideal day!

  3. Well, I too was going to blog about yesterday because it was such a great day--But Maya said it all.
    Only a couple of things that I would add: My wine at Mar was only 2 Euros a glass and was awesome--Blaufrankish is the grape and I like it.
    And the chocolate Mouse came with marinated pears and mint and was one of the better desserts of my life.
    And my Thai dish was a vegetarian green curry, was the best I have had outside of Thailand and contained these baby baby eggplants that were the size of very large peas that exploded in the mouth. Strange.
    And- did Maya mention that she made a deal with me that if I bought a particular hairbrush for her, she would brush her hair every day???? She did, I did and so far so good.

    1. Thinking of having you pick up another such brush for Elanor . . .:)

  4. What an awesome day you had. I tasted that Tiramasu,really! That is my all time favorite dessert. So glad you had a beautiful sunny day,all of you.

  5. Dearest Maya, I have been looking for a contest for you to write for. I LOVED the story of the Senseless Butterly so much I feel like it could and must become a story on its own, illustrated by you too as well. I will redouble my efforts because your writing deserves a wide audience. Love love love to read about your activities. I went yesterday to a Russian Bath in NYC with Davis, Palmer, Isobel and Luke. You go in a hot sauna, then jump in a freezing pool or swim in the regular pool or get in the hot tub and then go in the steam room. You can dunk yourself with freezing water while in the hot sauna and beat each other with wet tree limbs! And you also order food: shrimp, the fruit plate, bread basket...then go back in the sauna and the freezing pool....It makes you so relaxed you can barely move. And of course since everyone is speaking Russian it lulls you like a lullaby! Love.

  6. All that glorious food!! I'm so hungry now!! Love and kisses, Julia
