Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cat cafe!!!

           We went to the cat cafe, a cafe with 5 cats wandering around the place!!!  When we arrived there was a free table so we sat down and discovered that Momo the cat was sitting in one of the chairs!  He was adorable! He should be the in the first picture.  The second picture is of Thomas who was sleeping in a box.  He has thin soft fur and the look of our beloved cat who is missed lots, Amir.  The third picture is of Luca who is a Maine Coon,  a type of cat with long fur.  He sat at the table next to us.  There were two other cats who were in a private place for when they wanted to have peace, so we never got to see them.  There names are Mauritz and Sonia.  Mauritz is also a Maine Coon and Sonia is a little back cat who reminds of another little black cat named Sabrina =) We had lots of fun!!! The rest of the pictures are of Luca, Thomas, and Momo!  I am trying to attach a link to a video I made of the cafe. 
           It also snowed a foot here!  We went sledding and walked around in a winter wonderland!


  1. so cool try and skype me soon


  2. I love the cat cafe. I am in love with the cat in the box. What exactly is a cat cafe? Do the cats live there and when you come in for your cocoa or coffee there they are? Does it serve food? I remember in Rome how cats roam (haha!) all over and live in famous archeological sites. Europe is so much more civilized! It understands what is important: living close to animals! When you get home maybe we could start a movement for cat cafes, cat apartments in Costco? Posses of dogs in Target....I love and miss you Miss Lala.

    1. the answer two your questions are: yes, they are there when you have your coffee, just roaming around the place (although they are not in Rome).
      to your other question: yes, it does serve food!but the food is actually not very good, its just being around the cats that i love!!!

  3. Maya! A cat cafe! What could be better and so cosy in the cold! I will tell Sebbie that you mentioned her on your blog. She is so self-centered (like all cats) that she will appreciate that. Beth mentions, Rome. There is a famous cat shelter there at a site called Lago Argentina where the cats roam among the ruins. There is a move to close it down, but maybe you will get there.
    Love reading these, M-cat.

    1. I'll beg my parents to let us go to that cat shelter!!!

  4. Well thank you so much for this wonderful story on the cat cafe. I know it was a relaxing time after being out in the cold, being around cats seem to make you forget the outside stuff. Can't wait for more. You did a great job capturing the cats in their cozy spots. Love you
