Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SPEED! (holiday on ice)

                    Ugh! The horrible music still rings in my damaged ears. Last night my mom and I got tickets to an ice skating show,FOR FREE!!!  It was called: Speed, Holiday on Ice.  It was amazing except for the terrible music! They brought out fire, giant beach-balls, motorcycles and more all on ice-skates!  At one part they were all dressed like they were at the beach and a guy came out with a surf board.  They raised the board into the air on wires and he got on and held on to the ropes as he surfed the mighty waves!!!  They had metal balls that people would get in and hang on while swinging in the air.  After the 20 minute intermission, they had a circus act.  A woman came onto the the ice, skating on stilts!!!  We were amazed. the announcer came out and jumped over a line of around 7 women laying down.  My favorite part was when they brought out a wheel with a long triangle metal part on top with a swing at the top.  My description is probably confusing so I posted a picture that i tried to draw of it since we forgot the camera.  A man walked on the inside while a lady swung on the swing.  It turned around and around.  Soon the man climbed on the outside of the wheel while she swung!  It was astounding!!!!!!!!!!  We both enjoyed the show sooooo much!


  1. FREE! Yes!
    Keep looking for those things; you are getting an education beyond what you can get in W-S. I am so happy for you.

  2. sounds like a wild ride. What kind of horrible music was this??

  3. Just so that I don't have to blog about this separately, the best part of the night for me was navigating to and from the Stadthalle. We caught the bus to the U-bahn station, but before getting on the subway we got kebabs at a kebab stand. We managed to get off at the right stop and walk to the Stadthalle. We ate our dinner in front of the Stadthalle in the freezing cold because they had not opened the doors yet. We managed to reverse course to get home without any hiccups. Also memorable about the evening was the total lack of understanding a single thing that was said to us, or as part of the show--Except when the performers took the mike and spoke in English. Everyone laughed when the performer used German ("Meine Damen?" "Meine Damen und Herren!") When intermission came we had to ask a neighbor if it was intermission or the end as we did not understand what the announcer said. We were happy in a very bumbling idiot way-- glazed eyes--I have no idea what is going on but it's all so bright and loud! And one last thing, many people were drinking champagne in real glass flutes at what was ostensibly a circus on ice. That seemed particularly not-in-America to me.
