Thursday, January 10, 2013

Vienna schnitzel!

Mmmmmm.  Delicious wiener schnitzel!  We made our own.  It was like meat on a conveyor belt: Sarah and I would smash the meat with a hammer then Missy would cut slits in the side, Kim would flour it, then it was egged and Gabe and Mary-Helen breaded it.  They handed it to Olivia or John, the master fryers. By the time we finished with it, we had some delicious wiener schnitzel!  Meanwhile a few people were on the job of 'erdapfel salat' (potato salad).  It all turned out to be a delicious meal!!!


  1. Funny...while you were making vienna schnitzel, Ben and Noah were making crepes!! ABS kids are great cooks!! Miss you! -julia

  2. Impressive assembly line! What were the vegetarians eating? :-) Love your blog. - Mrs. Green

  3. My mom was the only vegetarian so she had potato salad and she fried some flour and breadcrumbs to make a hushpuppy thing.

    1. Your mom's exactly who I was thinking about! ;-) Glad to know she's finding some veg-options.

  4. Okay...but the making of it sounds less than delicious. In fact, it sounds, um, what is a good word for the process? Dean makes schnitzel sometimes, with chicken and it is delicious. I just don't watch him make it. Love that you are all cooking together.
