Monday, January 14, 2013

Last Gunter walk

             We went on our last city walk with Gunter, our German teacher.  It was freezing, and many students were numb all over. We passed through St. Stephensdom, a beautiful place where I drew one of the candles and posted an image of my drawing. Later we went to an amazing church and I drew a crown that was on a statue's head and posted an image of that drawing.; We passed by the most awesome thing in the world! A cat cafe! Real cats were sleeping on chairs, being groomed, and playing with people! Awesome!!!  Apparently on the menu you can order stuff and there are descriptions for all of the cats personalities and names. Gunter didn't let us go in there but I have been promised that we will go back and I assure you for a full blog on that trip! When we finally (after long hours of walking in the freezing cold) stopped our walk, we and a few students went to a cafe where I had delicious hot cocoa and awesome cheesecake, while my family ordered apple-strudel (gross) and a cream-cheese strudel with vanilla custard (not that gross). Here are my pictures, I hope you see them! :


  1. I too drew a crown today before I saw yours. I posted my drawing next to Psalms 149 verse 4 where it says For the Lord takes delight in His people;He crowns the humble with salvation." I like your drawing better. I didnt draw a candle today but I lit one! Be sure to film the cat cafe when you get to go.

  2. Oh how I like these drawings! I love the candle especially and how you made the flame look like it is blowing in a breeze.
    O My Gosh, a cat cafe???
    I surely hope you take your Galaxy and video some of that for me????
    What amazing things you are discovering Maya. I truly look froward every day to read your blogs. I want major descriptions of the cat cafe please
    I am so tempted to fly to Vienna just for that alone. Hehehe

    1. Love your drawings Maya especially the candle-- Love you Nana

  3. I would love a cat cafe. I am hoping to see drawings of the cats when you return there.
    Maya, you are having a true artist's education---traveling, seeing artwork and just seeing new things and drawing them. The world is the best classroom of all!!

  4. Your blog reminds me that Europe is so civilized! They know what is important: cafes for our beloved pets, cafes for adults who need hot cocoa and tea and coffee and time with their friends! I agree with Adrienne; you are getting the best education. You'll be college by the time I see you at the pool! I am exercising and getting in shape for some diving with my favorite teacher. Love and miss you Liesel!
